Mission and Vision


Within the tapestry of the Beloved Community and the energy of transformation and healing, Traveling Nunk envisions a world where interbeing is not just a concept but a living reality. With Right Mindfulness, deep looking, and an understanding of the Dharma, we uplift the myriad ways individuals skillfully enter the path while navigating the intricate intersections of race, gender, culture, the conditions of systemic oppression, and all sufferings. Recognizing that these dynamics shape our physical existence and often impede our awakening when not understood, we diligently seek to uproot the ties that bind us, embarking on a profound journey of the non-separatnessness towards our individual and collective liberation. This journey holds transformative impact for ourselves, our communities, and our world. It is not just a path towards collective liberation but also a liberation for all beings.


Embarked on a sacred mission, Traveling Nunk is dedicated to the collective liberation of all beings, with a keen awareness that the journey to awakening should also include us all. Rooted in deep reflection, exploration, intersectional insights, and an unwavering commitment to personal and collective liberation, our organization recognizes the pivotal role of healing and transformation. The journey is guided by the core teachings of the Buddha, with the practice of deep-looking meditation fostering resilience and well-being.

Our mission is to cultivate Right Mindfulness and understanding within our bodies, feelings, perceptions, mental formations, and consciousness. This practice enables us to comprehend how the dynamics of race, gender, and culture pervade and influence our physical beings, the world around us, our well-being, and our path to awakening, all within a clear vision of a sustainable human story.

We cultivate community spaces of discovery, joy, and mutual support, with an understanding of the unique challenges faced by all individuals, particularly those impacted by systemic barriers.

Our organization is dedicated to the cessation of suffering, emphasizing deep reflection, intersectional understanding, and a commitment to the liberation of all beings. We offer accessible wisdom, teachings, and practices that embody these values, steadfastly dedicated to the path of awakening that includes everyone, with a particular focus on Black, Indigenous, and all People of Color (BIPOC) communities, LGBTQI individuals, people with disabilities, and other underrepresented communities. Our commitment extends to the liberation of all, involving support for our communities and ourselves in the process of undoing harm.

We are committed to service in the practice of True Love for all beings, fostering connection with ourselves, our communities, our world, and healing with Mother Earth. Our offerings encompass meditation and spiritual teachings, retreats, study programs, community engagement, opportunities for deep introspection, and transformative awareness practices. Our aim is to respond to the sufferings of the world with understanding and compassion, acknowledging the resilience needed to uproot the cycle of harm and facilitate collective healing in response to pandemics, disasters, violence, hatred, and other harms.


Venerable Clear Grace beautifully reminds us that in the gentle dance of existence, our steadfast diligence is required for the cultivation of interbeing. In this harmonious interplay of stillness and movement, we find the essence of compassionate living—where contemplation and action become one, weaving a tapestry of love, understanding, and tangible support for a world where suffering is met with clarity and our struggles are embraced as opportunities for profound transformation and healing.