About Venerable Clear Grace Dayananda

sister clear grace new orleans sangha

Clear Grace Dayananda

Venerable is a Buddhist Monk who received novice ordination in 2018 as Sister True Moon of Clear Grace in the Plum Village Vietnamese Zen tradition headed by the Venerable Thich Nhat Hanh. In 2020, she received higher ordination and carries forward both the Theravada and Mahayana lineages of her preceptor, Venerable Dr. Pannavati Karuna of whom she was transmitted the name Dayananda.

The Dharma has been her greatest source of insight and transformation to heal from injustice and suffering of all kinds. She shares these learned truths to help others unlearn deeply embedded beliefs that have kept them away from the liberation of such sufferings in daily life. She shares these integrative skills, understandings, wisdom traditions and worldviews to help alleviate suffering for self and all beings.

Clear Grace’s response to a unique calling addresses the need for creative, tangible, accessible, and relatable connections with the liberating teachings of the Buddha. Her distinctive presence and experiences at the intersections of diverse communities serve as wellsprings of inspiration, forging direct connections with individuals and acting as conduits for the profound and transformative power of the Dharma. Clear Grace’s approach highlights the possibilities of interbeing, extending love limitlessly, and meeting people where they are. This compassionate understanding and fierce reconciliation, propelled by a deep commitment to healing, transformation, and the path of higher discipline within the Dharma, Clear Grace extends impactful support. Transcending conventional boundaries, it provides a transformative pathway to navigate life’s challenges, particularly amid the difficulties of the mundane world intensified by discriminatory and systemic suffering. For those courageous enough to embark on the introspective journey, Clear Grace’s deep-looking serves as a guiding light, inspiring individuals to delve into the depths of self-discovery, compassionate understanding, and fierce reconciliation. This transformative process nurtures a profound reconnection with oneself, fostering a compassionate embrace of one’s complexities and contradictions, and ultimately leading to a harmonious and liberated self.