Study with The Traveling Nunk
“Study” is a remote, mobile learning and social media platform part of the mobile Monastery called “The Great Aspiration”. We can learn together, study together, and grow together in the Dharma.
Lets Connect!
Join me on this transformative journey across the U.S., as we immerse ourselves in the presence of each community. Let's connect, share, and embrace the wisdom that unfolds with every step.
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Taking on the World, One City at a Time

The Great Aspiration: 2024 Updates and New Orleans Roots

Blessings and Love Supreme, from New Orleans Louisiana!  The Great Aspiration, a mobile monastery on wheels, has been on an incredible journey across the United States. After two years of immersing in the needs of diverse communities with meditation, mindfulness, consultations, retreats, and genuine presence, it’s time for a much-needed pause.

In 2024, we’re taking a break for some essential maintenance and repairs. Our travels from California to Louisiana exposed us to rough roads, resulting in a loose steering wheel and other issues. As we prioritize safety and functionality, Venerable Clear Grace has made the decision to plant roots in the vibrant city of New Orleans.

The richness of New Orleans’ history, spirituality, and culture calls to us, and we’re excited to embark on a transformative journey dedicated to cultivating a visionary community. Our goal is to initiate the creation of a Sangha house within this historically Black, profoundly spiritual, and sacred city.

We’ve gauged community interest and values among the descendants of our ancestors in New Orleans, understanding the energy and power present for our necessary rooting. Our efforts are aimed at providing support and Sangha for all encompassing groups and peoples impacted by and connected to the circumstances of Black, Brown, Indigenous, and collective ancestral relations.

By connecting the practice to community traditions and respected generations born and raised in New Orleans, we aim to create a space where all people can bring and take away what they truly need during our events, shared spaces, sits, walks, talks, contemplations, and more.

As we begin this new chapter, we invite you to join us on this incredible journey of growth and expansion. Follow along for updates on Traveling Nunk, Sangha House NOLA, and ways to keep engaged and supportive.


Clear Grace Dayananda ~ cgd

Clear Grace, a poetic alchemist, transmutes the threads of wisdom, compassion, and resilience into an exquisite tapestry of liberation and love!